About me
Hi there! 🤠
Originally from Brazil, I moved to Australia to pursue a PhD after I graduated from university in 2021. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering from PUCRS. My research interests lie in the areas of Software Engineering and Information Technology, with a focus on Empirical Software Engineering, agile software development methodologies, and education in Software Engineering. Currently, I am a 2nd year PhD candidate in Computer Science at the University of Melbourne.
Feel free to contact me at: larissa. salerno@unimelb.edu.au
Empirical Software Engineering
Human Aspects of Software Engineering
Software development methodologies
Education in Software Engineering
Software documentation
🎓 Bachelor of Software Engineering, 2021
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul
🎓 PhD Candidate in Computer Science, 2022- present
University of Melbourne
Barriers and Self-Efficacy: A Large-Scale Study on the Impact of OSS Courses on Student Perceptions
Larissa Salerno, Simone de França, Igor Steinmacher, Christoph Treude
ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE)
Improving Agile Software Development using User-Centered Design and Lean Startup
Maximilian Zorzetti, Ingrid Signoretti, Larissa Salerno, Sabrina Marczak, Ricardo Bastos
Information and Software Technology (IST)
Adopting Agile Software Development Combined with User-Centered Design and Lean Startup: A Systematic Literature Review on Maturity Models
Maximilian Zorzetti, Cassiano Moralles, Larissa Salerno, Eliana Pereira, Sabrina Marczak, Ricardo Bastos
International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS)
An Empirical-informed Work Process Model for a Combined Approach of Agile, User-Centered Design, and Lean Startup
Maximilian Zorzetti, Ingrid Signoretti, Eliana Pereira, Larissa Salerno, Cassiano Moralles, Michele Machado, Ricardo Bastos, Sabrina Marczak
19th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality (SBQS)
Assessment Models for Evaluating the Combined use of Agile, User-Centered Design and Lean Startup in the Context of Software Development: A Grey Literature
Michele Machado, Larissa Salerno, Sabrina Marczak, Ricardo Bastos
19th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality (SBQS)
Hackathons as a pedagogical strategy to engage students to learn and to adopt software engineering practices
Caio Steglich, Larissa Salerno, Thaís Fernandes, Sabrina Marczak, Alessandra Dutra, Ana Paula Bacelo, Cássio Trindade
Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES)
Maturity Models for Agile, Lean Startup and User-Centered Design in Software Engineering: A Combined Systematic Literature Mapping
Cassiano Moralles, Ingrid Signoretti, Larissa Salerno, Maximilian Zorzetti, Ricardo Bastos, Bruna Prauchner, Matheys Vaccaro, Eliana Pereira, Sabrina Marczak
International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS)
A practice-informed conceptual model for a combined approach of agile, user-centered design, and lean startup
Maximilian Zorzetti, Ingrid Signoretti, Eliana Pereira, Larissa Salerno, Cassiano Moralles, Cássio Trindade, Michele Machado, Ricardo Bastos, Sabrina Marczak
Product-Focused Software Process Improvement (PROFES)
Success and failure factors for adopting a combined approach: A case study of two software development teams
Ingrid Signoretti, Maximilan Zorzetti, Larissa Salerno, Cassiano Moralles, Eliana Pereira, Cássio Trindade, Sabrina Marczak, Ricardo Bastos
Product-Focused Software Process Improvement (PROFES)
On the development of a model to support the combined use of agile software development with user-centered design and lean startup
Cassiano Moralles, Maximilian Zorzetti, Ingrid Signoretti, Eliana Pereiram Matheus Vaccaro, Bruna Prauchner, Larissa Salerno, Cássio Trindade, Sabrina Marczak, Ricardo Bastos
European Conference on Software Process Improvement (EuroSPI)
Combining user-centered design and lean startup with agile software development: a case study of two agile teams
Ingrid Signoretti, Larissa Salerno, Sabrina Marczak, Ricardo Bastos
International Conference on Agile Software Development (XP)
Boosting agile by using user-centered design and lean startup: a case study of the adoption of the combined approach in software development
Ingrid Signoretti, Sabrina Marczak, Larissa Salerno, Augusto de Lara, Ricardo Bastos
International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM)
Repensando Papéis em Equipes Ágeis: Um Estudo de Caso no Uso de uma Abordagem Combinada de Desenvolvimento Ágil, User-Centered Design e Lean Startup
Larissa Salerno, Ingrid Signoretti, Sabrina Marczak, Ricardo Bastos
Brazilian Conference on Software on Software: Theory and Practice (CBSoft)
A Saúde da Mulher e a Tecnologie: Uma Análise Heurística e Netnográfica do Aplicativo Clue
Kalissa Rodrigues, Larissa Salerno, Luiza Johnstone, Mayara Jesus, Milene Silveira
Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors In Computer Systems (IHC)